Bhutan Entertainment-Education training was a great success
The Center for Media and Health (CMH), in cooperation with the Bhutan Media Foundation, designed and implemented the tailor-made training ‘Entertainment Media for Behaviour Change’ in Thimphu, Bhutan in May 2015. Program topics included:
- What can Entertainment-Education (EE) do for me as a participant?
- Which results, experiences, theoretical framing and lessons are available in the field of EE?
- As a media professional, which skills do I need to develop an EE intervention?
- How can I conduct an EE media plan considering a social theme?
Participant feedback included:
“I have attended so many workshops, but this one was very special to me. What I loved about it was the content, the design and the people – wonderful!” (Participant 1).
“The training was very fruitful and engaging. During the training, I rediscovered the reason why I became a producer. I want to apply the things I have learned about Entertainment-Education immediately” (Participant 2).
“During this workshop I naturally learned about Entertainment-Education through interaction with others. I feel that we are all friends aiming for the same goals in the Bhutanese society. I want to continue and strengthen this collaborative journey” (Participant 3).
Photo: Participants Training, week 1

Photo: Participants Training, week 2