
'Little Martian' wins PHS innovation award
18 July 2019
'Little Martian' - a concept devised by employees of the Public Health Services (PHS) in the Dutch region of Twente during an Entertainment-Education training course by the Center for Media & Health - has won the PHS innovation prize and was awarded funding for implementation. [...]

Sharing ideas for a meaningful DNA Dialogue at NACGG meeting
01 July 2019
On Friday, June 28, the Dutch Association for Community Genetics and Public Health Genomics (NACGG) organized a meeting dedicated to the DNA Dialogue. [...]

CMH to spark the Dutch DNA-Debate
21 June 2019
With the arrival of new genetic modification technologies - such as CRISPR/CAS9 for germline modification - the 'repair' of genetic diseases is rapidly approaching. But what do we actually think about that as a society? The Erfo Center has taken initiative to start a 'societal dialogue' on germline modification that is supposed to involve a wide range of target groups and [...]
Martine Bouman Juror Rotterdam Thesis Award
02 June 2019
The Erasmus University Rotterdam and the municipality of Rotterdam have founded the annual Rotterdam Thesis Awards. Prof. dr. Martine Bouman is a member of the jury. [...]

CMH offers new course on storytelling
16 May 2019
The Center for Media & Health organized a new one-day NSPOH-course on storytelling and narrative communication methods on 14 May. [...]