CMH gives guest lecture at the University of Twente in Enschede
On May 23rd Sarah Lubjuhn from the Center for Media & Health gave a guest lecture at the University of Twente in Enschede at the Department Psychology, Health and Technology. At the guest lecture students from the Master programme Psychology and the Bachelor programme Creative Technologies were present.
The topic of the lecture was Entertainment-Education (EE). Also Mark My Words (MMW) the innovative research method of the CMH played a big role. In MMW the Center for Media & Health (CMH) collaborates with the University of Twente and the University of Maastricht to develop a new method to detect and monitor interpersonal conversations on social media about healthy lifestyles of youngsters (click here for more information). Sarah gave various examples of the CMH approach by discussing several EE interventions as well as the new research method Mark My Words.
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