CMH lectures at the Dutch School of Public & Occupational Health
On August 23rd Dr. Martine Bouman from the Center for Media & Health gave a guest lecture during the “Summerschool Public Health” at the Dutch School of Public & Occupational Health (NSPOH) in Driebergen. The topic of the lecture encompassed media and health.
The media, and when talking about the Entertainment-Education strategy specifically popular media, are an important field to invest in for creating and maintaining sustainable societal developments. Collaborating with the media needs to be understood in a broader sense than just doing P.R. or buying broadcasting time. There is an increasing number of interactive and digital media formats where users can generate and distribute their own content. In this session Martine Bouman addressed the following questions: What is the influence of the developments in New Media on the way youngsters can be addressed with healthy lifestyle topics? Which competencies do health professionals need to make use of these communication channels? Which theoretical notions and practical experience can be helpful for (field) workers in health organizations?
Martine Bouman: “An interesting Summerschool with highly motivated participants. It is important that the topic of Media and Health is addressed in Public Health classes and that we invest in a structural collaboration with the media.”
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