CMH signs pledge for the programme ‘Alles is Gezondheid’ of the Dutch Ministry of Health
As a platform-partner, the Center for Media & Health (CMH) has signed a pledge to make a contribution and to spread the impact of ‘Alles is Gezondheid’. The CMH focuses amongst others on potential collaboration activities between the Health sector and the Media sector to minimize social economic health inequalities in the Netherlands.
Here is a short abstract of the pledge:
“Beside the four settings of ‘Everything is Health’ (school, care, work and neighborhood) the Center for Media & Health is convinced that the media play an important role in stimulating a healthy lifestyle in society. People spend a lot of time on various forms of media every day (television, radio, internet). The responsibility of every citizen to deal with his/her healthy lifestyle issues increases. This means that there is a need for an environment that makes it easier for citizens to access and make healthy lifestyle choices. The media can play an essential role in stimulating this process. It is important to create space for a proactive collaboration with the media sector (broadcasters, producers, interactive designers, app- and game developers and scriptwriters).”
Click hier to read the pledge (in Dutch).
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