Evaluation research CMH project "Slagkracht in Beeld" completed
In 2011/2012 the CMH has designed and implemented “Slagkracht in Beeld”. In this project local health institutions were handed tools to translate their “Gezonde Slagkracht” project into a short video production.
This year, the Center for Media & Health (CMH), in collaboration with Janneke Harting, University of Amsterdam, completed the evaluation research of this project. The research report was presented to the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development this month.
The evaluation research shows a mentality change in the participants as a result of the media training and editing workshops they participated in. The participants see added value in their audiovisual work for (1) showcasing their project in an appealing manner (2) mobilising project partners and attracting new parties; (3) creating a basis of support and a mean of justification. To retain this added value, both integration in the organisation’s policies and the range of implementation are of importance.
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