Inaugural lecture Martine Bouman January 22nd 2016: ‘Amusing ourselves to Health and Hapiness’
20 January 2016
On Friday, January 22nd, 2016 at 16:00 Martine Bouman will give her inaugural lecture ‘Amusing ourselves to Health and Hapiness’ in the auditorium of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.
Dr. Martine Bouman, Scientific Director of the Center for Media & Health, is Endowed Professor of the Special Chair Entertainment Media and Social Change at the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture (ERMeCC) in Rotterdam.
Media organisations are always looking for interesting content for their productions. Health organisations want to reach their target groups more effectively. “By establishing a strong collaborative partnership and creating entertainment media formats with an added value, all stakeholders can contribute to a healthier society.” There are about 1.3 million low literate people living in the Netherlands, and the percentage in Dutch society with problematic general health skills is 25%. “Lower educated people are not used to elaborate complex information. We can reach these groups by using narrative persuasion in storytelling media formats (the Entertainment-Education strategy). A body of scientific research conducted over the years has shown promising potential effects” (Martine Bouman).
However, using popular media is not yet anchored in the working culture of many health organisations. A lot of them experience cold feet. If different professional fields want to collaborate, both need to have, a “feel for the game” and know the habitus of the field of the other party, according to the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The Special Chair creates and facilitates interdisciplinary research in the field of the Entertainment-Education strategy with a strong focus on capacity building. For this reason within the Special Chair a training course on Entertainment Media for Social Change will be designed.
The Special Chair has been established by the Netherlands Entertainment-Education Foundation and is part of the broader project MediaLab: Health for all. This MediaLab project has been made possible by a donation from the Friends Lottery in partnership with the Alzheimer Foundation, Kidney Foundation and Heart Foundation. The Special Chair Entertainment Media and Social Change designs and explores new communication strategies to effectively reach vulnerable groups in Dutch society and stimulate collaborative partnerships between the worlds of media, health and science.
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Dr. Martine Bouman, Scientific Director of the Center for Media & Health, is Endowed Professor of the Special Chair Entertainment Media and Social Change at the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture (ERMeCC) in Rotterdam.
Media organisations are always looking for interesting content for their productions. Health organisations want to reach their target groups more effectively. “By establishing a strong collaborative partnership and creating entertainment media formats with an added value, all stakeholders can contribute to a healthier society.” There are about 1.3 million low literate people living in the Netherlands, and the percentage in Dutch society with problematic general health skills is 25%. “Lower educated people are not used to elaborate complex information. We can reach these groups by using narrative persuasion in storytelling media formats (the Entertainment-Education strategy). A body of scientific research conducted over the years has shown promising potential effects” (Martine Bouman).
However, using popular media is not yet anchored in the working culture of many health organisations. A lot of them experience cold feet. If different professional fields want to collaborate, both need to have, a “feel for the game” and know the habitus of the field of the other party, according to the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The Special Chair creates and facilitates interdisciplinary research in the field of the Entertainment-Education strategy with a strong focus on capacity building. For this reason within the Special Chair a training course on Entertainment Media for Social Change will be designed.
The Special Chair has been established by the Netherlands Entertainment-Education Foundation and is part of the broader project MediaLab: Health for all. This MediaLab project has been made possible by a donation from the Friends Lottery in partnership with the Alzheimer Foundation, Kidney Foundation and Heart Foundation. The Special Chair Entertainment Media and Social Change designs and explores new communication strategies to effectively reach vulnerable groups in Dutch society and stimulate collaborative partnerships between the worlds of media, health and science.