Interview published - CMH project “Mark My Words”
27 October 2014
In the October edition of the online magazine Mediator, an interview with Martine Bouman about the Center for Media & Health (CMH) project “Mark My Words” was published. Mediator is published by ZonMw and focuses on research and development in health(care).
CMH, in collaboration with the University of Twente and the University of Maastricht, developed a methodology called Mark My Words (MMW) to detect and monitor interpersonal conversations on social media.
CMH, in collaboration with the University of Twente and the University of Maastricht, developed a methodology called Mark My Words (MMW) to detect and monitor interpersonal conversations on social media.
“Internet technology in which social media play a central role, offers new opportunities for health communication. There is a urgent need for methodologies for measuring effects of health communication interventions applying social media.” Dr. Martine Bouman
The MMW methodology is based on the concept of “markers.” Markers are unique words, expressions or slogans which serve as a GPS to trace back conversations on social media. MMW is applied in the innovative web-based Entertainment-Education series SndBites and in the renowned Dutch soap series "Good Times, Bad Times" produced by Endemol.
The data (online conversations) for MMW are collected via social media monitoring tools on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. For the analyses of the online conversations, data and textmining techniques are applied.
The interview has been published in the Dutch language (click here to see the interview).
Photo: (1) Martine Bouman, (2) Sjoerd and Tim, Good Times, Bad Times.
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