'Little Martian' wins PHS innovation award
18 July 2019
'Little Martian' - a concept devised by employees of the Public Health Services (PHS) in the Dutch region of Twente during an Entertainment-Education training by the Center for Media & Health - has won the PHS innovation prize and was awarded funding for implementation.
What if you are a little Martian, your UFO has crashed in the Dutch town of Oldenzaal, and you have lost all your belongings? Using this story, PHS Twente sent children between 7 and 8 onto the streets to photograph the things that they consider important for a pleasant and healthy life. This not only resulted in a fantastic exhibition that can be seen in the town hall of Oldenzaal until July 26, it made poverty addressable and gives municipalities and health care professionals tools to better support children who grow up with little financial resources.
More photos of the exhibition on the Facebook page of PHS Twente. Back to news overview