Malaria expert Bart Knols winner of Marc Cornelissen Brightlands Award 2018
12 December 2018
Medical entomologist and malaria expert Dr.ir. Bart Knols is the winner of the second edition of the Marc Cornelissen Brightlands Award. Prof. dr. Martine Bouman of the Center for Media & Health, who was the winner of the first edition in 2017, joined the award ceremony. The award is a homage to polar traveler and sustainability pioneer Marc Cornelissen who by a tragic accident lost his life during a polar expedition in 2015.
Bart Knols works as a medical entomologist at the Radboud University Nijmegen and is an author and entrepreneur who dedicates his life to the fight against malaria. He is developing an extremely inexpensive trapping system that can exterminate mosquitoes in a sustainable, insecticide-free manner. The Marc Cornelissen Brightlands Award will help to make the development of this system possible, working with an international team and two young Tanzanian researchers who will receive a ‘Marc Cornelissen Fellowship’ stipend.
The other two finalists for the Marc Cornelissen Brightlands Award 2018, were inventor/artist Ap Verheggen, and a joint nomination of Matthijs Bosveld and Sjim Romme, founders of the Mens Achter de Patiënt (the person behind the patient) foundation. Back to news overview