Mark My Words project is nominated for Best Practice Research Award
22 February 2016
The research project “Mark My Words” of the Center for Media & Health (CMH) is nominated for the Best Practice Award 2016 for Online Research. The winner of the award will be announced the international General Online Research (GOR) Conference in Dresden, Germany (March 2nd - 4th 2016).
Martine Bouman and Sarah Lubjuhn: “We are looking forward to present our Mark My Words project at the GOR Best Practice Award session”
The CMH developed and tested a new methodology called Mark My Words (MMW) in the soap series Good Times, Bad Times to detect and monitor interpersonal conversations on social media around health issues. Collaboration partners in this project are the University of Twente and Endemol Productions. The MMW methodology is based on the concept of “markers”. Markers are unique words, expressions or slogans, which serve a kind of GPS function to identify and track down conversations via social media. The MMW research project has been funded by The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw).
The focus of the conference, organized by the German Society for Online-Research (DGOF) in cooperation with the Dresden University of Technology, is the documentation and discussion of current developments and methods in online research.
Photo: Sceenshot Sjoerd and Tim, soap series Good Times, Bad Times.
Copyrights: Endemol
The focus of the conference, organized by the German Society for Online-Research (DGOF) in cooperation with the Dresden University of Technology, is the documentation and discussion of current developments and methods in online research.
Photo: Sceenshot Sjoerd and Tim, soap series Good Times, Bad Times.
Copyrights: Endemol