Martine Bouman and Arvind Singal about Positive Deviance
The Center for Media and Health has produced two short video-interviews on the Positive Deviance strategy, one featuring Martine Bouman (CMH) and one featuring Arvind Singhal (UTEP). Currently they collaborate on the first PD-project to be designed and implemented in the Netherlands.
The project concerns mental resilience and is aimed at teenagers from a lower social economic background struggling with depression and anxiety. The existing support programs do not seem to reach this group, especially teenagers with a migrational background.
The CMH, in collaboration with the municipal health service Rotterdam-Rijnmond, the Trimbos Institute for mental health and the University of Texas El Paso, is looking for the Positive Deviants in Rotterdam lower vocational training schools. The main research question is: Why do some schools, in the same deprived neighborhoods, with teenagers from a similar background and with the same resources, against all odds, outperform other schools?
Positive Deviance: Interview with Martine Bouman, Center for Media & Health:
Positive Deviance: Interview with Arvind Singhal, University of Texas at El Paso:
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