Netherlands on the Move!-tv
Netherlands on the Move!-tv (Nederland in Beweging – link: is a daily television program that is broadcast nationwide at the start of each working day. The show is a mix of physical exercises, combined with tips about a healthy and active lifestyle. The exercises are designed specifically for an audience aged 55 and older. The program soon turned out to be a hit, drawing a daily audience of about 150,000 loyal viewers.
Netherlands on the Move!-tv
Netherlands on the Move!-tv (Nederland in Beweging – link: is a daily television program that is broadcast nationwide at the start of each working day. The show is a mix of physical exercises, combined with tips about a healthy and active lifestyle. The exercises are designed specifically for an audience aged 55 and older. The program soon turned out to be a hit, drawing a daily audience of about 150,000 loyal viewers.Martine Bouman, director of the Center for Media & Health (CMH) and External Coordinator of Netherlands on the Move!, stated “We wanted to stimulate elderly people to exercise. After a long preparation and negotiating time, we found a public broadcasting company (AVRO and MAX) who was enthusiastic about our plan and willing to collaborate. The daily exercises of Netherlands on the Move! on television play an important role in the Dutch public health policy and fits perfectly with the goals of the public broadcasting service.”
Since its debut in January of 2002 it has become an established program on Dutch television. According to Jan Slagter, director of MAX, the public broadcasting company, “Netherlands on the move is a show that fits MAX perfectly. MAX likes to offer people tips to stay in shape, mentally and physically.”
For Netherlands on the Move!, CMH teamed up with organizations such as the National Olympic Committee/National Sports Federation (NOC*NSF), the Netherlands Institute for Sports and Physical Activity (NISB), Netherlands Heart Foundation (NHS), Dutch Brain Foundation, Dutch Cancer Society (KWF), Dutch Arthritis Foundation, Lung Foundation Netherlands, Diabetes Fund, and the National Foundation for the Elderly (ANBO). Together, they co-created the program format, designed the briefing for the producer, led the co-production negotiations with the broadcasting companies and coordinated external tasks. During the first ten years of Netherlands on the Move!, from 2000-2010, several studies were done to explore the impact and effects of the program. CMH, in collaboration with Maastricht University, was responsible for the design, coordination, and execution of the research.
Participant Commentary:
“I tell my family and friends to join the exercises, because it is good for the you.” (Female, 71 years old).
“People often say it is an exercise for elderly people. I do not think so. I try to explain to them that a quarter of an hour exercising is a more positive way to start the day than just a cup of coffee.” (Male, 66 years old).
“Without exaggerating, I have participated since day one and for me it would be terrible if the show would end.” (Female, 69 years old).
Publications & Downloads
- Meis, J.J.M., Kremers, S.P. J. & Bouman, M.P. A. (2012) Television Viewing Does Not Have to Be Sedentary: Motivation to Participate in a TV Exercise Program, Journal of Obesity, Volume 2012, Article ID 752820. Click here to download
- Meis, J.J.M., Kremers, S.P.J., Bouman, M.P.A. (2011): Intrinsic motivation explains older adults’active participation in a television exercise program, poster presentation, University of Maastricht and Center for Media & Health. Click here to download
- Bouman, M.P.A., Meis, J.J.M., Kremers S.P.J. (2009) Nederland in Beweging!-tv; Gebruikswaarde-onderzoek 2009, Centrum Media & Gezondheid en Universiteit Maastricht, Gouda en Maastricht (Dutch publication).
- Bouman, M.P.A., Kremers, S. (2007) Nederland in Beweging!-tv, Gebruikswaardeonderzoek, Centrum Media & Gezondheid, Gouda (Dutch publication).
- Hollemans, H., Bouman, M.P.A. (2004) Nederland in Beweging!-tv, Panelonderzoek 2004, Gebruikswaardeonderzoek, Centrum Media & Gezondheid, Gouda (Dutch publication).
- Kremers, S.P.J., Bouman, M.P.A. (2004) Nederland in Beweging!-televisie: Onderzoek naar de gebruikswaarde,Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen, Jaargang 82/2004 nummer 5, 332-333 (Dutch publication).
- Bouman, M.P.A., Kremers, S. (2003) Nederland in Beweging!-tv, Gebruikswaardeonderzoek, Centrum Media & Gezondheid, Gouda (Dutch publication).
Training and Capacity Building
Media production