
Introduction to Positive Deviance strategy for Public Health researchers
17 September 2018
On Thursday, Sept. 6th , the Center for Media & Health provided an in-company training on the Positive Deviance method for Public Health Services in the South of the Netherlands. [...]

A YouTube campaign about water safety
13 August 2018
SafetyNL – a Dutch organization that aims to reduce accidents in the Netherlands – has developed a YouTube campaign to increase awareness around water safety among young immigrants. Research has shown that youngsters that did not grow up in the Netherlands are less familiar with the Dutch water- and swim culture, have lower swimming skills, and are thus exposed to a higher risk of [...]

Report about vaccine hesitancy presented to the parliament
28 June 2018
June 24th, the RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) presented a report on the decline of vaccination rates in the Netherlands. Prof. dr. Martine Bouman from the Center for Media & Health was a member of a special advisory committee on vaccine hesitancy that was chaired by prof. dr. Erwin Seydel. From a social-scientific perspective, the committee studied the [...]

Visit Arvind Singhal
06 June 2018
From May 28th-31st Arvind Singhal visited the Center for Media & Health for a brainstorm session on de Positive Deviance (PD) research strategy. [...]

SBCC Summit in Bali featuring Entertainment Education
08 May 2018
From April 16-20, the international conference on Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) featuring Entertainment-Education took place in Nusa Dua, Bali. More than 1200 active and enthusiastic participants from 90 countries presented and discussed their latest projects and research. [...]
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