Sustainable supply chains
22 November 2018
At the EXCHAiNGE conference on November 21st in Frankfurt Martine Bouman presented during her keynote ‘Can customers and logistics players find common ground?’ the results of a research of the Center for Media & Health into logistic innovations in the field of sustainable online shopping and buying sustainable products in supermarkets.
The research was part of a larger ILoNa (Innovative Logistics for Sustainable Lifestyles) project in Germany.
An interesting finding is that costumers indicate that they are willing to wait longer for the delivery of their products to support a sustainable supply. Often costumers don’t know what a sustainable delivery entails and also are not aware how the they can use more sustainable options (e.g. a sustainable button option, a virtual fitting room tool, credit points for less return deliveries).
Session leader Klaus Krumme (Zentrum Logistik und Verkehr) discussed with representatives of logistic departments of companies (Andreas Streubig, HUGO BOSS, Matthias Haubenreisser, ERC & Supply and Markus Ziegler, Pakadoo) new and innovative options for sustainable supply chains. What kind of solutions and services will lead to more sustainability? How can we learn from the customer? Martine Bouman encouraged the audience to listen more to the stories and experiences of the costumers and invite costumers to become co-designers in creating more sustainable solutions.