Interactive EE drama. Find out how they can change their story
What happens when you say “no”? In the project UP2U young people receive an answer to this question. UP2U deals with setting and recognizing sexual boundaries. It is a digital learning package for MBO/ROC schools, which is specifically targeted at youngsters aged 15-19, who have a lower socio-economic status and/or have a migrational background.
What happens when you say “no”? In the project UP2U young people receive an answer to this question. UP2U deals with setting and recognizing sexual boundaries. It is a digital learning package for MBO/ROC schools, which is specifically targeted at youngsters aged 15-19, who have a lower socio-economic status and/or have a migrational background.
UP2U consists of three interactive drama lines in which the characters experience various situations where setting and overstepping of sexual boundaries takes place. The youngsters are invited to make choices as they watch the dramalines and therewith they can influence the story itself. Through experiencing different results of their choices and the consequences of various behaviors, youngsters develop skills to assert themselves, they are increasingly empowered to show others where their boundaries lie and they are more sensitized to identify these boundaries together with others.
UP2U consists of three interactive drama lines in which the characters experience various situations where setting and overstepping of sexual boundaries takes place. The youngsters are invited to make choices as they watch the dramalines and therewith they can influence the story itself. Through experiencing different results of their choices and the consequences of various behaviors, youngsters develop skills to assert themselves, they are increasingly empowered to show others where their boundaries lie and they are more sensitized to identify these boundaries together with others.
Publications & Downloads
- Hollemans, H.; Bouman, M.P.A. (2012): Formatief onderzoek UP2U, Centrum Media & Gezondheid, Gouda (Dutch publication).
- Centrum Media & Gezondheid (2013). UP2U - Het verhaal, de uitdaging, het onderzoek en de implementatie (Dutch publication).
Training and Capacity Building
Media production
In collaboration with
Bosch Film
Rotterdam-Rijnmond Public Health Service (GGD)
STI Aids Netherlands
ZonMw - The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development