Interviews en articles

Here is a small selection of available downloads:

Norwegian Entertainment-Education (EE) Documentary

Dr. Martine Bouman, Scientific Director of the Center for Media & Health, was interviewed by Hanne Skrikerud for the Norwegian documentary 'Filmbonanza'. In the interview Martine gives insights into how the CMH applies the Entertainment-Education strategy. The documentary was broadcasted by NRK (Norwegian public broadcaster) in October 2014.


Entertainment-Education (EE) Documentary
"Poor Consuelo conquers the World"

In this international documentary by Peter Friedman a variety of Entertainment-Education productions from all over the world are featured. The CMH internetseries SOUND is also part of this documentary. Dr. Martine Bouman was interviewed about the production and design of this project. Together with Endemol the CMH developed and produced the internetseries SOUND. SOUND has been the first EE series on the internet.