
TED Talk Martine Bouman available online
07 May 2013
On April 3rd this year, during the TEDxAmsterdamChange, Martine gave a 10 minute TED Talk. The title of her talk was: E + M = SC2, about the important contribution that the entertainment media can deliver to stimulate social change. [...]

German delegation visits the CMH
01 May 2013
On April 23rd and 24th 2013 the German delegation comprising Prof. Dr. Christoph Fasel and Heiko Schwöbel from the University of Calw, Institute for Consumer Journalism (ifv) and Jürgen Gruner from the Stuttgart Police, Section Prevention, visited the Center for Media & Health. [...]

EE curriculum starts at Stenden College and University of Twente
22 April 2013
This month, the Entertainment Education (EE) curriculum has started at the Stenden College in Leeuwarden as well as at the University of Twente in Enschede.

Applied University of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg visits the Center for Media & Health
10 April 2013
On 09th April 2013, the CMH welcomed Prof. Dr. Michael Krzeminski and Andreas Viehof from the Applied University of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Institute for Media Development and Media Analysis in Gouda. [...]