
CMH starts storytelling project with skippers
05 June 2015
The Center for Media & Health starts with a storytelling project in which the stories of former skippers from Gouda and surrounding areas play a central role. The project is i.a. funded by a subsidy of Rabobank Fonds Gouwestreek and in cooperation with the Museumhaven Gouda [Museum harbor Gouda].

Bhutan Entertainment-Education training was a great success
30 May 2015
The Center for Media and Health (CMH), in cooperation with the Bhutan Media Foundation, designed and implemented the tailor-made training ‘Entertainment Media for Behaviour Change’ in Thimphu, Bhutan in May 2015. [...]

Keynote: Gross National Health and the empty canvas of the artist
12 February 2015
Martine Bouman gave the keynote speech at the Friends Lottery gala (Vriendenloterij) on February 11, 2015. [...]

CMH celebrated her 15th anniversary
15 December 2014
On Thursday December 11th the Center for Media & Health celebrated her 15th anniversary together with her collaboration partners and friends. [...]

Preparation has started for tailormade media training in Bhutan
10 December 2014
In October 2014 preparations for the development of the tailor-made training ‘Entertainment Media for Behavior Change’ for media professionals in Bhutan were started. [...]