
CMH welcomes Jelena Flokstra
06 March 2013
In February 2013, Jelena Flokstra started her internship at the Center for Media & Health (CMH). Jelena holds a Master degree in Plant Protection from University of Belgarde in Serbia and recently does a Master in Health & Society at Wageningen University. [...]

CMH advises on Entertainment-Education project in Colombia
01 March 2013
The Center for Media & Health (CMH) is invited by the Universidad del Norte, School of Communication, Barranquilla, and the organisations Citurna and Imaginario in Colombia, to advise them on a new Entertainment-Education (E-E) project in the field of sexual health. [...]

Evaluation research CMH project "Slagkracht in Beeld"
19 February 2013
As an integrated part of the program of the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development named ‘Gezonde Slagkracht’, the Center for Media & Health (CMH) developed ‘Slagkracht in Beeld’. [...]

New CMH video impression of the Positive Deviance seminar
07 February 2013
The Center for Media & Health put together a video impression of the Positive Deviance (PD) seminar which was organized by the Center for Media & Health. [...]

New CMH project: “Sexuality on Screen”
28 January 2013
The Center for Media & Health will soon start its new project “Sexuality on Screen”(“Seksualiteit in Beeld”). In this project, a database will be developed, where users can find already existing and new audiovisual material about sexual health for young people. [...]