
Season's Greetings
21 December 2015
We wish our (network) partners a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of inspiration and health! We look forward to contine our collaboration in 2016! [...]

Storytelling and Sustainability
09 December 2015
On November 26th Martine Bouman was invited by the Impact Academy to give a lecture entitled "Let me entertain you: entertainment media and storytelling" in Utrecht. [...]

New Tips for Scripts lunch planned
18 November 2015
Since 2014 CMH has organized Tips for Scripts lunches in Amsterdam. During these lunches scriptwriters, producers and other creative media professionals meet with content matter specialists from various health organizations. [...]

Collaboration started with Germany on sustainable lifestyles
29 October 2015
The Center for Media & Health is collaboration partner in the German project ILoNa. ILoNa is the German abbreviation for ‘innovative logistics for sustainable lifestyles’. [...]

Dutch Public Broadcasting Service goes green
07 October 2015
On October 1st, the Center for Media & Health (CMH) was invited to give a presentation at NPO Green. NPO is the Public Broadcasting Service in the Netherlands. With the initiative NPO Green the Public Broadcasting Service aims to foster a sustainable development in the Netherlands. [...]