
Roel Lutkenhaus starts as PhD candidate for MediaLab
10 May 2016
On Friday the 1st of April Roel Lutkenhaus started as a PhD candidate at the Center for Media & Health’s Medialab. MediaLab is a collaboration project between the Dutch Kidney Foundation, Heart Foundation and Alzheimer Netherlands and focuses on researching Entertainment-Education (EE) strategies aimed at vulnerable groups to close the large health gap within [...]

Start of the Seminar Series „Entertainment Media & Social Change“ at the Erasmus University
12 April 2016
On April 5th the seminar series „Entertainment Media & Social Change“ of Prof. Martine Bouman started at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. The seminar series is offered to students from the International Bachelor Communication and Media at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Students from 14 different countries participate in this seminar. [...]

Mark My Words project is nominated for Best Practice Research Award
22 February 2016
The research project “Mark My Words” of the Center for Media & Health (CMH) is nominated for the Best Practice Award 2016 for Social Media Online Research. The winner of the award will be announced at the international General Online Research (GOR) Conference in Dresden, Germany (March 2nd - 4th 2016). [...]

Inspiring inaugural lecture of Martine Bouman
27 January 2016
On Friday January 22nd 2016 Prof. Dr. Martine Bouman gave her inaugural lecture ‘Amusing ourselves to Health and Happiness’ on the occasion of the public acceptance of her Endowed Professorship on Entertainment Media and Social Change at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. [...]

Inaugural lecture Martine Bouman January 22nd 2016: ‘Amusing ourselves to Health and Hapiness’
20 January 2016
On Friday, January 22nd, 2016 at 16:00 Martine Bouman will give her inaugural lecture ‘Amusing ourselves to Health and Hapiness’ in the auditorium of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. [...]