
CMH interviews head scriptwriter Martin van Steijn (Endemol) for Mark My Words
06 December 2013
On November 19th, Martine Bouman and Sarah Lubjuhn interviewed Martin van Steijn, Head Scriptwriter of the popular Dutch soapseries “Good Times, Bad Times” (GTBT). They talked about the design and background of a cocaine addiction storyline (of Sjoerd) and a brain damage storyline (of Tim). These two storylines play a central role in CMH’s most recent research project [...]

CMH discusses role of the media at special symposium of Center for Ethic and Health
12 November 2013
On October 10th, the Dutch Center for Ethics and Health (CEG) celebrated her 10th anniversary with a special symposium. The Center for Media & Health (CMH) attended this symposium and talked to various ethicists and researchers about the role of the media. How to deal with the portrayal of health (care) issues in reality television series and entertainment programs? Which role can health care [...]

CMH actively contributes to the future role of food and medicine in the prevention of disease
01 November 2013
Will vegetables taste like sweets in the future? Will the elderly all take polypills? What role can the media play in 2030? These were central questions during the launch of the steering committee on the future role of food and medicine in the prevention of disease, which took place on October 29th 2013. Martine Bouman, member of the steering committee, joined the interactive “future [...]

CMH contributes to workshop at WHO World Health Summit
25 October 2013
From October 20-22 the WHO World Health Summit has taken place in Berlin. The vision of the World health Summit is improved health worldwide, catalyzed through collaboration and open dialogue, setting tomorrow’s agenda for improved research, education, health care and policy outcomes.

UNICEF visits the CMH
14 October 2013
On Monday, October 7th Dr. Rafael Obregon, Chief Communication for Development, Division of Policy & Practice at UNICEF New York visited the Center for Media & Health to talk about collaboration options.