
CMG gives guest lecture at the University of Wageningen
04 October 2013
On October 2nd, Dr. Sarah Lubjuhn from the Center for Media & Health gave a guest lecture on Entertainment-Education at the Department of Health and Society, University of Wageningen. [...]

Martine Bouman and Arvind Singal about Positive Deviance
02 October 2013
The Center for Media and Health has produced two short video-interviews on the Positive Deviance strategy, one featuring Martine Bouman (CMH) and one featuring Arvind Singhal (UTEP). Currently they collaborate on the first PD-project to be designed and implemented in the Netherlands.

CMH lectures at the Dutch School of Public & Occupational Health
26 August 2013
On August 23rd Dr. Martine Bouman from the Center for Media & Health gave a guest lecture during the “Summerschool Public Health” at the Dutch School of Public & Occupational Health (NSPOH) in Driebergen. The topic of the lecture encompassed media and health. [...]

CMH interview with Lucía Durá about Liberating Structures
15 August 2013
In June 2013 the Center for Media & Health (CMH) interviewed Dr. Lucía Durá during her stay in Gouda. Dr. Lucía Durá is Assistant Professor at the Department of Rhetoric & Writing, at the University of Texas at El Paso. [...]

Evaluation research CMH project "Slagkracht in Beeld" completed
26 July 2013
In 2011/2012 the CMH has designed and implemented “Slagkracht in Beeld”. In this project local health institutions were handed tools to translate their “Gezonde Slagkracht” project into a short video production.